


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 provides protection to all members of the campus community against discrimination based on Sex. 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 is committed to upholding Title IX protections by providing an environment that is free from sex/gender-based misconduct in any form. 为了实现这些承诺, the College has developed a strict Title IX policy, 强有力的学生行为准则, and established a 第九条协调员 and a Deputy 第九条协调员 who enforces Title IX laws and regulations.

What types of misconduct/discrimination is included in Title IX?

Any misconduct that is sex/gender-based is prohibited under Title IX, and includes sexual/gender-based harassment, 强奸, 性侵犯, forcible and non-forcible sex offenses, 家庭暴力或约会暴力, 和被人跟踪. 了解更多信息 and definitions, please see the 在线电子游戏网赌 Title IX policy.

How do I report a Title IX violation?

You can report in person to the 第九条协调员, 第九条副协调员, 给教员或职员, 或在线. You can report a violation that has happened to someone else, or you can report a violation for yourself. The College prohibits Retaliation (any adverse action against a reporting party) against someone who reports a possible Title IX violation. False accusations are also prohibited.


We understand the desire to keep information confidential, and will do everything we can to maintain confidentiality as allowed under law. However, full confidentiality is not always possible. If there is an immediate threat to the campus community, to other information that is required by law to be reported, the 第九条协调员/Deputy 第九条协调员 will act appropriately.

Even if a person does not wish to file a formal complaint with the college or with law enforcement, interim measures may be enacted to ensure their safety. These measures may include adjusting their class schedule, 额外的时间来完成课程, or other adjustments that will alleviate any barriers to education.


When there is a report of a possible Title IX violation, the 第九条协调员 will act promptly to end the discrimination, provide remedies for the victim and the campus community, and put steps in place to prevent reoccurrence of the misconduct. The 第九条协调员 will also provide outside resource information and assistance as appropriate to the situation.

Tips for assisting someone who has experienced 性侵犯 or violence
  • 如果您是在线电子游戏网赌的员工, be sure to tell the person that you are required to report Title IX violations that occur on campus or that involve a student, 教师, 或者工作人员
  • Actively listen, provide nonjudgmental support, and do not ask questions that suggest blame or doubt
  • Encourage the person to seek medical assistance as soon as possible, if needed
  • Refer them to appropriate agencies and/or police
  • Encourage them to speak to 安全, 第九条协调员, or appropriate staff
  • Use the online reporting form to alert the College about the incident

(919) 718-7386

Where Can I Find Out More About Title IX

To review the complete Title Ix policy review the College's 政策及程序手册.



中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 has an established 行为评估小组(BAT) to address any concerns with questionable, 令人不安的, 让人困惑, or potentially threatening behavior from a student or applicant at the College. The BAT is committed to improving campus safety through an informed, 积极主动的, and preventative approach to situations that pose (or may reasonably pose) a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community, while attempting to address the diverse psychosocial needs and concerns of students.

What type of behaviors warrant a referral to the BAT?

任何自残行为, 自杀意念, erratic behavior that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the daily operations of the College and its activities, or behaviors that might compromise campus or personal safety should be referred. The College wants to be 积极主动的 in addressing a possible threat to the campus and providing assistance to a student in need if possible. Disruptive or threatening behaviors that have occurred and violate the Student Code of Conduct should continue to be dealt with in the established procedural manner. The BAT's role is to address potential issues BEFORE they become violations of the Student Code of Conduct.


The BAT will review and assess the referral and make a decision regarding appropriate action. Additional information or documentation might be needed and will be requested. 评估及建议, 当完成, will be given to the Vice President of Student 服务 for possible administrative action, 监控, 或后续.


(919) 718-7386
